The quality indicators which have been developed present the performance of academic units in 5 areas:
- Teaching work
- Research and innovation
- Funding
- Human resources
- Infrastructure and services
More specifically, the NISQA through two subsystems (quality data & BI) performs the following operations:
- Collects quantitative data annually (526 data fields: Institution 179, Department 157, Undergraduate Study Program 132, Postgraduate Study Program 40 and Ph.D. program 18) from all HEIs of the country for each academic/calendar year
- Calculates 263 KPI's through the BI platform: Institution (130), Department (55), Undergraduate Study Program (51), Postgraduate Study Program (18) and Ph.D. Program (9).
- Is accessible to any Institution through its QAU, which has full responsibility for the collection and submission of data. Each QAU has NISQA management rights and the ability to create internal users for the academic quality assurance units (OMEA). Currently, HAHE collaborates with the Institutions and supports around 1,200 users, answers questions (about 1,200 to date) to clarify the definition and significance of the data, and publishes related reports. The system collects data from 2015-2016 till today.
- Produces a detailed and concise overview of Institutions, Departments and study programs for all HEIs in the country (through KPI’s indicators performed by BI system), used in studies, the HAHEs annual quality report, the development of a Quality Assurance Strategy, the proposal for a national strategy on higher education, expert training, etc.
- Provides QAUs with structured reports to facilitate the Institutional quality planning, the IQAS monitoring and the preparation of internal evaluation reports and more generally to support decision-making in HEIs.
- Provides structured reports to the Accreditation Panels for their information during the external evaluation process.
- Enables the management of the experts` registry