Αριστείδου 1 & Ευριπίδου 2, 10559 Αθήνα

The quality data of institutions entered into NISQA was classified and grouped by academic entity/unit (Institution, Department, Undergraduate Study Programme, Postgraduate Study Programmes, Ph.D Study Programme) and subsequently by thematic field, as shown in the following Table.

INSTITUTION IDENTITY - CUMULATIVE DATA Cumulative data on the institution’s programmes, geographical spread and spatial planning, students and human resources.
ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES Data on employees working in the institution’s services.
FINANCIAL DATA Data on the institution’s ordinary budget and Public Investment Programme funding and expenses.
INFRASTRUCTURE - SERVICES Data on classrooms, laboratories, libraries, other facilities and digital services provided by the institution.
RESEARCH ACTIVITY Data on the institution’s research activity and recognition of research work.
STUDENT WELFARE Data on students’ meals, accommodation, health services, scholarships and counseling.
ACADEMIC - SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY Data on the Institution’s social and environmental actions.
INTERNAL QUALITY ASSURANCE SYSTEM (IQAS) Data on the institution’s quality assurance policy, student monitoring procedures, procedures for mapping out students’ opinions, publishing quality information and QAU information systems.
IDENTITY Cumulative data on the department’s programmes and doctoral theses.
STAFF (POPULATION) Detailed data on the department’s human resources.
STAFF (RETIREMENT) Detailed data on the department’s human resources.
STAFF (RESIGNATION) Detailed data on the department’s human resources.
STAFF (NEW RECRUITMENTS) Detailed data on the department’s human resources.
STAFF (DEVELOPMENT) Detailed data on the department’s human resources.
STAFF (OTHER DATA) Detailed data on the department’s human resources.
FINANCIAL DATA Data on the department’s funding and expenses.
INFRASTRUCTURE - SERVICES Data on classrooms, laboratories, libraries, other facilities and digital services provided by the department.
RESEARCH ACTIVITY Data on the department’s research activity and the production and recognition of research work.
Undergraduate programme
UNDERGRADUATE PROGRAMME - GENERAL DATA General data on the undergraduate programme (academic credits, creation, restructuring, language of courses offered etc.).
STRUCTURE AND ORGANISATION OF STUDIES Data on the organisation of studies (structure and number of courses, student obligations etc.)
E-CLASS Data on e-class and services provided.
INTERNSHIP Data on students’ internship.
DESIGN OF THE UNDEGRADUATE PROGRAMME Data on the actors involved in the design of the undergraduate programme.
STUDENTS (ADMISSION) Detailed data on student admission in the undergraduate programme.
STUDENTS (POPULATION) Detailed data on the student population enrolled in the undergraduate programme.
STUDENTS (ACCESSIBILITY) Data on students with disabilities (PWD) enrolled in the undergraduate programme.
STUDENTS (MOBILITY - INTERNATIONALISATION) Data on student mobility (ERASMUS, incoming and outgoing students).
GRADUATES (POPULATION) Detailed data on graduates of the undergraduate programme.
GRADUATES (PERFORMANCE) Detailed data on the performance of undergraduate programme graduates.
GRADUATES (ABSORPTION) Detailed data on the absorption of undergraduate programme graduates by the labour market.
Postgraduate programme
POSTGRADUATE PROGRAMME-GENERAL DATA General data on the postgraduate programme (creation, restructuring, language of courses offered etc.).
STRUCTURE AND ORGANISATION OF STUDIES Data on the organisation of studies (structure and number of courses, student obligations etc.)
Doctoral programme
DOCTORAL PROGRAMME - GENERAL DATA General data on the doctoral programme, doctoral candidates and degrees awarded.