The Hellenic Quality Assurance and Accreditation Agency in Higher Education (HQA) has a mission statement associated with the assurance of high quality in higher education. In this framework, the Agency supports the state and the higher education institutions in formulating and implementing the national strategy for higher education and in accrediting the quality of HEIs operation.
To carry out its mission and achieve its objectives, the HQA implements a specific Quality Policy, which is summarized as follows:
The HQA is committed to the development and maintenance of an internal quality assurance system, the allocation of the necessary resources and the implementation of the measures necessary to promote its mission and vision for high quality in higher education, as specified in its strategic planning.
The purpose of the HQA's internal quality assurance system is the design, organization, implementation, monitoring and improvement of standards, processes, criteria and indicators suitable to accredit the quality of the Institutional Quality Assurance System and Study Programmes of the country`s higher education institutions.
The standards, procedures and criteria published by the HQA are aligned with the national legislation and the European standards and guidelines of the European Higher Education Area (ESG2015).
The HQA monitors and improves the quality of its operations through the commonly defined procedures, processes and systems included in its quality manual. The quality manual consists of the following 10 procedures (quality policy, resources, quality goalsetting, standards setting and reviewing, organization of external quality assurance, measurement, analysis and improvement, communication to institution, public information, follow up, monitoring activities and continuous improvement, organization of the HQA`s external quality assurance and accreditation).
It collects and analyzes data and information from the implementation of quality assurance activities of higher education institutions, on the basis of which, it makes decisions to improve standards, criteria and procedures.
The goals set out in its strategic plan as well as the action plan itself are benchmarks for all operations. It also sets measurable and objective quality goals. In the framework of reviewing the internal quality assurance system, goals are set and evaluated against the degree of their achievement.
As part of the system review, the HQA is constantly reviewing and improving the features of its services, to the extent possible, as well as the efficiency of the processes involved.
The members of the Council and staff contribute to the achievement of the Agency`s objectives and are responsible for the performance and results of their work.
The HQA guarantees the transparency of all its activities by establishing accountability mechanisms, adopting a Code of Conduct and developing a quality culture.
The HQA is subject to a periodic external evaluation every five years, in accordance with the EHEAs European Standards and Guidelines (ESG2015), its subsequent membership in ENQA and its registry in EQAR.
The present quality policy is communicated to interested parties and is implemented by the staff of the Agency.
The purpose of the Internal Quality System is the achievement of high quality in the operation of the HQA and the effective operation, performance and improvement of its services in line with international practices, in particular those of the European Higher Education Area and the principles and guidelines of ENQA.
The scope of the Internal Quality System is the implementation of quality assurance in the administrative and scientific pillar of the HQA and its human resources. In particular, this includes the certification of the Internal Quality System.
All self-assessment/follow up/external evaluation reports of HQA are available below:
HQA External Evaluation Report (2015)
HQA Self-Evaluation Report (2014)
The Quality Manual (available currently only in Greek) is an official document of the IQAS and is used as a guide for its implementation.
In addition, the HQA implements a Quality Assurance System in accordance with the International Standard EN ISO 9001:2015 in all its activities that impact quality in the provision of its services.